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What's new?
Here you can read everything about the newest updates!
K'Leena on 19.07.2008 um 22:40 (UTC)
 Hey guys,
I know it took me a while to finally update again, but here I am. I was really busy the last months, and I will be still in the coming time. But anyways, I hope you enjoy the new Voyager videos. Maybe I will upload a few fanfictions soon, too. Hope you have a nice summer time.
Love, K'Leena

Happy Valentine's!
K'Leena on 22.02.2008 um 22:29 (UTC)
 Hey everybody out there!
Finally got the page updated. I've got some new videos and a new category 'Crew Bios'. Check it out ^^
Oh, and for the German readers I've got a really sweet cookie: The final part of my fanfiction 'This Day I will marry my best friend' is finally released. Hope you'll like it!
Have a great day, many greetings from

K'Leena on 30.12.2007 um 13:47 (UTC)
 Happy New Year Everyone!
I just uploaded some videos including a video request by Smiley. Hope you have a good year 2008!

K'Leena on 25.11.2007 um 15:17 (UTC)
 Hi everyone,
long time no see. Today I finally updated my website. And surprise, surprise - everything's in English now. I'm sorry Germans, but I had so many requests to make this page in English and eventually I did. But don't worry, there are still German fanfictions.

But now about my updates: Ten new videos. TEN!!! And besides that, the third part of my fanfiction will come out before Christmas. I hope you'll look forward to it, it's gonna get really exciting in that part...

That was it from me, guys
See ya soon

Fanfiction TEIL 2 ist FERTIG!!!
K'Leena on 27.07.2007 um 10:32 (UTC)
 Hallo, liebe Leute!
Es ist geschafft, Teil 2 von "This day I will marry my best friend" (kurz: TDIWMMBF) ist fertig gestellt und online. Um ihn zu lesen, geht einfach in die Fanfiction&Übersetzungen Kategorie...achja und zudem gibt es noch drei neue Voyager Videos und eins zum Anime Naruto. Viel Spaß beim Lesen, ich werde jetzt den dritten und letzten Teil weiterschreiben!
Bis dann
Eure K'Leena!

K'Leena on 30.06.2007 um 18:23 (UTC)
 Hi Leute.
Endlich mal wieder geupdatet, und zwar fünf neue Videos!

Zudem ist der zweite Teil meiner großen Fanfiction fast fertiggestellt, dann nur noch einmal ab zum Beta-Reader und voilá - ich kann sie updaten. Das soll heißen, der zweite Teil kommt bereits nächsten Monat, im Juli.
Bis dahin, geduldet euch, lest noch mal den ersten Part oder schaut euch die neuen Videos an.

Viel Spaß dabei,
Eure K'Leena!


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